This Marcraft GreenSTEM Training Guide sets the stage introducing the principles that led us to the quest for rapid expansion of green technologies – the worldwide energy crisis, global warming, rapidly expanding middle classes around the world, diminishing worldwide resources, and global power economics. In subsequent chapters, basic electrical principles are covered along with the theory of each major green technology, which is covered in detail. In each case, you will learn the underlying science of the technology, the application of the science to these technologies, math principles associated with the technology as well as engineering and design principles required to implement and scale the technology.
This Marcraft GreenSTEM Training Guide sets the stage introducing the principles that led us to the quest for rapid expansion of green technologies – the worldwide energy crisis, global warming, rapidly expanding middle classes around the world, diminishing worldwide resources, and global power economics. In subsequent chapters, basic electrical principles are covered along with the theory of each major green technology, which is covered in detail. In each case, you will learn the underlying science of the technology, the application of the science to these technologies, math principles associated with the technology as well as engineering and design principles required to implement and scale the technology.
The Marcraft Green Technology Textbook covers these topics:
Solar (Photovoltaic) Power (Design and Installation)
Solar Thermal (Solar Hot Water)
Small Wind Power (Design and Installation)
Fuel Cell Technology
Biofuels (Ethanol and Biodiesel) and Biomass
Microhydropower Systems
Energy Conservation Techniques
Energy Auditing
Green Building Concepts
Transportation Issues
Environmental Compliance and Monitoring
Ocean Energy, Geothermal Energy, and Nuclear Energy
The Green Technology Textbook Includes:
GT-900T Green Technology Concepts & Practices Text Book